NCSS-Supported Pilot Initiatives
We believe in impactful giving, and support programmes that address the social challenges of today in innovative ways and have measurable impact.
We are happy to partner the National Council of Social Services ("NCSS") to support pilot initiatives such as Halogen Foundation’s Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship programme and the Venture Philanthropy Fund which pools together donations from like-minded donors to fund selected pioneering social impact projects across a few sectors.
HaloGen foundation's Network for teaching entrepreneurship Programme
Through NCSS, we supported a pilot initiative to scale and measure the impact of Halogen Foundation’s Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship ("NFTE") programme in 2015. Adapted from a three-decades-old evidence-based programme in the US, the NFTE programme aims to activate the entrepreneurial mindset in youth from underprivileged communities through a structured curriculum, thereby empowering them towards successful futures.
Targeted at disadvantaged youths aged 15 to 18 from the Normal (Technical) stream who are on the Ministry of Education’s Financial Assistance Scheme and/or come from challenging family backgrounds (e.g. incomplete homes, incarcerated parents, early death of parents), the NFTE programme is delivered over 30 weeks in school and provides these youths with opportunities for experiential learning, professional mentoring, as well as to hone their entrepreneurial, communication and critical thinking skills. The pilot involved 74 students from Bedok Green Secondary School and Evergreen Secondary School, and provided them with 60 hours of entrepreneurial training, 12 hours of leadership training, learning journeys, as well as access to mentoring and internship opportunities.
Pre and post surveys of the participating students in both schools demonstrated the following outcomes:
- 4.40% improvement in entrepreneurship mindset based on an Entrepreneurship Mindset Index (EMI), which measures students’ abilities across the following 8 core domains:
The most significant improvements were seen in the Communication and Collaboration, Future Orientation, as well as Initiative and Self-Reliance domains.
The NFTE programme has since secured longer-term funding support under the Tote Board Social Service Fund.
Our Partners:
- 2.99% increase in self-esteem based on the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, a 10-item scale that measures global self-worth by measuring both positive and negative feelings about the self.
The NFTE programme has since secured longer-term funding support under the Tote Board Social Service Fund.
Our Partners:
NCSS Venture Philanthropy Fund
We have partnered NCSS to support the following four social impact projects under the NCSS Venture Philanthropy Fund ("VP Fund"). These pioneering projects span across the categories of (i) children, youth and family, (ii) seniors and (iii) mental health, and involve working with different social service organisations, with active management and supervision by NCSS and the key donors under the VP Fund.
Collectively, the 4 pioneering projects have benefited more than 900 persons since 2017.
A service-learning programme for ITE students to use the vocational skills they learn in class to meet the community's needs. It seeks to engage, equip and empower disadvantaged Institute of Technical Education (ITE) students to thrive in school and improve their prospects for employment or further education.
A service-learning programme for ITE students to use the vocational skills they learn in class to meet the community's needs. It seeks to engage, equip and empower disadvantaged Institute of Technical Education (ITE) students to thrive in school and improve their prospects for employment or further education.
Since its introduction, 314 students have enrolled in this programme and 78% has seen the programme through to completion. 54% of students who completed the programme saw improvements in at least 2 out of 4 outcome domains: connections, self-efficacy, contribution to society and academic motivation. |
Project SPIN
A pilot programme by HCSA Dayspring which aims to improve the capacity of single parents to care for their children by designing community-based support mechanisms, providing resources that strengthen their social support network, improve their access to organised information.
A pilot programme by HCSA Dayspring which aims to improve the capacity of single parents to care for their children by designing community-based support mechanisms, providing resources that strengthen their social support network, improve their access to organised information.
Since implementation, 78 single parents have enrolled in the programme. 100% of the families that completed the programme demonstrated improvements in all of the desired outcome domains: ability to make well-informed decisions, parenting competencies, socio-emotional well-being and improved social network support. However, the majority do not complete the programme due to commitment challenges (e.g. conflicting work schedules and parenting responsibilities) and a lack of motivation. Find out more: |
WiSHINE Programme
A pilot initiative by the Wicare Support Group to support senior widows in their journey of grief and adjustment to their lives without their partners, through the delivery of 3 core services – grief counselling, structured support groups and widow’s mentoring.
A pilot initiative by the Wicare Support Group to support senior widows in their journey of grief and adjustment to their lives without their partners, through the delivery of 3 core services – grief counselling, structured support groups and widow’s mentoring.
The programme targets senior widows aged 50 years and above, who are assessed to have difficulty in coping with grief and have weak emotional support network. Of the widows who completed the support group session, 84% improved their scores on the Geriatric Depression Scale and 45% improved their scores on Lubbens Social Network Scale respectively. Overall, they indicated that they were able to express their grief without judgement in the support group. Find out more: |
The Employee Assistance Programme +
A programme to provide timely support to employees with, or at risk of, mental health issues, as well as to their employers and co-workers.
A programme to provide timely support to employees with, or at risk of, mental health issues, as well as to their employers and co-workers.
At least 500 employees across 12 companies now have access to the EAP+ services. 409 employees have been educated on the importance of workplace mental health and the skills needed to enhance their mental wellbeing. 255 direct supervisors and co-workers were trained on how they can better support employees with mental health issues. At least 12 individuals were supported over 31 counselling sessions. Find out more: |
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